At first glance, you might think that all-wheel drive (AWD) and four-wheel drive (4WD) are practically the same. However, they have some key differences that you need to explore before purchasing a vehicle. Compare AWD and 4WD to find out which one is right for your driving style.
Everything You Need... [read more]
You likely have fond memories of playing in the water as a kid, and now, you want your kids to have the same kind of fun. Add these entertaining water games to your itinerary this summer, so your kids can make a splash and have a blast.
Make Your Own Slip... [read more]
You can freshen up your kitchen in an instant by painting your cabinets. For the best results, choose one of the top cabinet color trends for 2021. If you go with one of these colors, your kitchen will look more modern, even if painting is the only thing you do!
Slide... [read more]
The days of putting butter on toast are long gone, as avocado is all the rage. At first, people simply spread some avocado on toast, but now, they are getting more and more creative. Check out some of these mouthwatering recipes for avocado toast.
The Everything Bagel Avocado Toast
If you want... [read more]
High-tech, powerful, and comfortable, it’s no wonder that the 2020 Silverado 1500 is a popular choice. The half-ton pickup truck easily handles any situation, whether it’s work or play. It’s even more capable thanks to some upgrades for the 2020 model year, including additional towing and driving assist features. Take... [read more]
Do you enjoy using Instagram, but you don’t quite understand it? You share amazing pictures, but you don't receive much engagement in return. You’ve tried all the cliches, such as engaging with your followers and posting consistently. No matter what you do, nothing seems to work. Ditch the cliches and... [read more]
You could always count on your mother to make you delicious food when you were growing up. Now, you can repay the favor by making her brunch this Mother’s Day. These brunch recipes are easy to follow and will show your mother that you love and appreciate her. Then, of... [read more]
You want to update your home, but the idea of a complete remodel is overwhelming. Picturing a construction crew setting up camp in your house for weeks at a time is enough to make you break into a sweat. Then, of course, there’s the check you’d have to write at... [read more]
This time of year it’s all about getting your home clean so you can have what feels like a fresh start. However, spring cleaning doesn’t have to be focused on your home. In fact, you shouldn’t stop here because this is a fantastic time to clean your car as well.... [read more]
You love your dog more than anything, right? And that means that you want to be able to give them whatever they want. Unfortunately, not everything they want is particularly good for them. Although, there’s one food that dogs love that’s actually great for them, and that’s watermelon. The next... [read more]