Clarksville’s trails are beautiful, and they don’t get that way by accident. The trails require regular maintenance, and it is too much for the city to handle. That’s why it organizes volunteer days for the people of Clarksville to help. Participate in Clean Up at the Greenway on March 10 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. so you can do your part. You won’t just help the trail stay useful and beautiful. You will also enjoy the benefits that come with volunteering.
Build a Sense of Community
You likely have some friends in Clarksville, but do you feel like you’re part of the community? Volunteering builds your sense of community and helps you create a social network. You’ll make connections you wouldn’t have made if you didn’t volunteer. It doesn’t matter how many friends you have. A sense of community is a powerful thing, so get out and volunteer at the Greenway.
Increase Your Self-Esteem
Most people can use a self-esteem boost, and volunteering can help. Volunteering gives you a purpose, and it makes you feel good about yourself. You can’t help but feel good when you’re helping others, and that good feeling leads to a boost of self-esteem.
Live Longer
When you volunteer, you don’t just help others. You help yourself, especially when it comes to living longer. People who volunteer on a regular basis have better overall health and live longer than those who don’t volunteer. That is the perfect reason to dive in and start volunteering.
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Get in Better Shape
Volunteering gets you off the couch and forces you to be more active. Imagine walking around the Greenway, picking up trash and beautifying it. It will be like a little workout, but it’s a lot more fun than going to the gym. If you want to fit into that tight pair of jeans or just feel better about your body, start with volunteering. Just make sure you engage in regular volunteering opportunities, so you can get the most benefits. Don’t worry. There are tons of ways you can help, so you can always find something to keep you active.
You are going to need some wheels to get you from one volunteering gig to the next, and James Corlew Chevrolet in Clarksville, Tennessee, can help. Stop by and see us before heading to the Greenway. We will help you get a vehicle that fits right in with your lifestyle. Then, you will be ready to zip around Clarksville and beyond.
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