While you get a break from most of your yard work in the winter, there are still some chores you need to do. By taking care of these tasks now, your lawn will look great in the spring. Thus, add these items to your January yardwork to-do list.
Protect Tender and Newly Planted Trees
If you have any tender or newly planted trees in your yard, you need to take steps to protect them during the winter months. It can get frosty in the winter, so cover tender shrubs and trees with burlap. You can use plant stakes to hold the burlap in place.
When it comes to newly planted trees, check over the wires and stakes to ensure they’re still in good shape. They shouldn’t damage the bark and need to be straight, so the tree grows properly.
Prune Your Shrubs and Trees
If you have any winter or spring-flowering shrubs, don’t prune them until they bloom. However, you can prune the dormant shrubs and trees in January. This is true for fruit trees as well. Take care of this task now, so the shrubs and trees don’t overtake your yard this winter.
Do Some Planting
You can also do a bit of planting in January if you wish. The month is a great time to plant roses and fall and summer flowering bulbs. Also, you can start planting container-grown shrubs and trees.
Protect Your Evergreen Perennials
Your evergreen perennials need a little extra care during the winter months. Thus, add an extra layer of mulch to prevent frost damage. Think of that extra mulch as a blanket that’ll keep your perennials cozy this winter.
Bring Your Spring-flowering Branches Indoors
Do you want to add a bit of spring color to your home this winter? You can add that to your gardening to-do list. You’ll need to bring some of your spring-flowering branches indoors. This will force early flowering so that you can enjoy some pops of color in January. Then you can add gorgeous branches to vases and decorate your home.
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Leave the Snow in Place
Clarksville doesn’t tend to get a ton of snow. However, if any falls this month, it’ll probably cover your plants. Make sure the snow isn’t damaging your plants, and if it is, remove it. Otherwise, you can leave it in place for extra insulation until it melts.
These tasks won’t take long to accomplish but can make a significant impact on your yard. Thus, add them to your to-do list and knock them out over the weekend.
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