Garage sales are a great way to eliminate things you no longer use and can even bring in a little extra cash. Many often have garage sales to clear out cluttered garages and overfilled closets. But making your garage sale work isn’t as simple as putting your old things on tables and hoping for the best. With some planning and these tips, you can have a successful garage sale.
Sort and Clean
You may already have items set aside and ready to go, but if you don’t, your first step is to do the decluttering. Go through your home one room at a time and be sure you can let go of the item without distress. Once you’ve covered every space, gather as many things as you can in one place to keep track of what is going, and don’t mix it with what is staying.
Then go through everything and dust or wipe it clean. Even though you’re not keeping the item, putting clean things out for the garage sale is key. People will be more likely to see an item’s potential if it’s clean and in good condition.
Decide on Pricing
Going through the things you’re selling can help you figure out how to price them. If you have valuable items in good condition, it’s okay for your prices to reflect that. But often, people are selling things they’re hoping to clear away. You’ll want to decide on pricing before, so you’re prepared and don’t have to guess on the day of the sale. In addition, determine if you will be firm or negotiable on the prices you set for your items. Finally, it might help you to sticker or label with the price before the day of your sale, so setup is easier. Or, you can create pricing signs and group your items by similar pricing.
Make It Attractive
When you set up your sale, try to make it visually appealing. You may want to use or borrow folding tables, so the items are off the ground, making them easier to browse. In addition, consider grouping related articles or creating small tableaus like retail stores do to show people how the items could be used.
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Let People Know
You might have some great things to sell, but it’ll be challenging if nobody knows you’re selling. Be sure to post in neighborhood social media groups and hang signs if your neighborhood allows it. On the day of your garage sale, put a large sign in your yard or at the end of your block if you have permission so you can catch people driving by. Finally, you can also sometimes take out small ads in local circulars.
With some planning ahead, you can have a great garage sale and a less cluttered home after. It can be helpful to enlist some help with setting everything up and packing it away when you’re done, so reach out to friends and family. Have fun, and good luck!
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